About us

Smile Kitesurf has been established to bring the sport of kiteboarding to the greater Whitsundays Region, working on Gia, Ngaro and Juru Country.

The owners and partners of Smile Kitesurf, Jason Harmshaw & Patricia Accadrolli explored different kite locations along the East Coast of Australia, finding the gem Bowen, also known as “Blowen Bowen”, located at the top of the Whitsundays, where they decided to open and set up their dream venture and business, Smile Kitesurf.

“We called this business Smile Kitesurf because it represents the sense and feeling of joy and happiness that the sport brings to us, every windy day of our lives. Our aim is to share this joy with others, in a safe, relaxed and community orientated environment” - Patty & Jason

After the first year Smile Kitesurf was awarded the permits to operate in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks, allowing them to share this world heritage listed site with the world. Using Bowen - the tip of the Whitsundays as their base for the school, they now offer kite trips coast to coast, all year round with a sneaky in between trip to the kitesurfing mecca that is Brazil.

Smile Kitesurf is firmly committed to sustainable business practices, we do everything we can to reduce our impact on our environment and make it better.

Smile Kitesurf was supported by new business assistance with NEIS, an Australian Government initiative.